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Searsia (Rhus) leptodictya
Mountain Karree (english) Bergkarree (afrikaans) Mushakaladza (venda) Motšhotlwane (tswana)
Very hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, small, decorative tree with a drooping crown of bright green foliage. The bark on young stems is reddish brown, becoming darker and rougher as the tree matures. The lovely reddish wood is used to make beautiful small pieces of furniture.
The inconspicuous flowers (male and female flowers on separate plants, therefore only female plants bear fruit) are borne from January to April. These are followed by bunches of edible fruit which attract birds to the garden.
The edible fruit attract birds to the garden.
This evergreen tree provides valuable fodder for both game and livestock when little else palatable is green in the veld.
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