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Diospyros lycioides

Bluebush, star-apple, monkey plum (english)Karoobloubos (afrikaans)muţhaļa (venda)Umbulwa (zulu)Lethanyu (venda)Monkga-nku (sesotho)Mtloumana (n. sotho)Umbhongisa (xhosa)Umcafudane (swazi)

Diospyros lycioides

Very hardy, deciduous, drought resistant, fast growing shrub or small tree.

It bears sweetly scented, white, bell-shaped flowers from September to December that attract butterflies and other insects.

The large, decorative red berries are edible and also attract birds. As with all Diospyros spp. sexes are on separate plants, therefore only female plants bear fruit.

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